
Foreign friends @ Yangshan Rock Climbing Center|外籍友人探营羊山攀岩中心

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-04-13

Yangshan Rock Climbing Center

The advent of 2023 sees the whole of Asia counting down with bated breath… in rapt anticipation for the Asian Games - a time where the entirety of Asia and the world become one with Keqiao, forever an unforgettable moment in “Keqiao Memory.” Recently, at the invitation of the Publicity Bureau of the Shaoxing Municipal Party Committee and the Hangzhou Bay News Center of Hangzhou Daily, numerous foreign friends arrived at the Yangshan Rock Climbing Center to “see the Shaoxing Asian Games Exploration Hall through the eyes of the world.” “IN KEQIAO,” a joint venture series of the Keqiao District Committee Publicity Bureau (Internet Affairs Office) and the Keqiao District Committee, followed friends from around the world on their journey through the facilities, as they experienced first-hand the magic of the upcoming games, immersing themselves in the passion of sport. Camaraderie. And Keqiao.

2023,亚运融入“柯桥记忆”,时钟飞转,全亚洲屏息倒数……近日,在绍兴市委宣传部和杭州日报杭州湾新闻中心的邀请下,一群外籍友人来到羊山攀岩中心,开展了一场“外国人眼中的绍兴—亚运探馆”活动,柯桥区委宣传部(网信办)联合柯桥发布英文栏目“IN KEQIAO”团队跟着这些外籍友人一同探营,亲身体验亚运项目,沉浸式感受扑面而来的亚运激情。

Appearing as a white “cocoon” towering into the sky, those in attendance couldn’t help but marvel at the structure itself while listening to its history. Alex White, a Russian who told reporters he had lived in China for more than 7 years, said the large “cocoon” shape filled him with amazement at first sight, making him look forward to this year’s games more than ever before. “Ten years ago, when I was younger, I loved rock climbing and camping. If I hadn’t put on these extra pounds in recent years, I’d be up on that wall!” “He’s 38 now… he's a teacher at Yuexiu Foreign Language School. Whenever students ask him where his hometown is, he always says “Shaoxing” - without hesitation” remarked Bei Shuzhi with a jovial smile.

走进这个形似一只白色“蚕茧”的羊山攀岩中心,外籍友人们一边认真听着解说,一边止不住地赞叹。来自俄国的贝舒志(Alex White)告诉记者,自己从来中国已经有7年多了,大大的“蚕茧”造型让他觉得非常惊艳,这让他更加期待今年在这里举办的杭州亚运会。“十多年前,还是小伙的时候,可喜欢攀岩和露营了,要不是现在体重超标,我一定爬上去试试!”贝舒志打趣着自己笑着说道。今年38岁的他在越秀外国语学校担任外教老师,每当学生们问起他的家乡在哪,他总是会毫不犹豫的回答:“绍兴”。

21 year-old Fuad from Azerbaijan is an international student at Yuexiu. Although he’s only been in China for 5 months, his Chinese proficiency is improving day by day. “It’s really nice! I really like Shaoxing. And Shaoxing people. It’s a shame I can’t understand the local dialect, but I’ll get there!” he exclaimed in his new second language.

21岁小伙福德(Fuad)来自阿塞拜疆,是越秀外国语学校的一名留学生,虽然来中国才5个多月,但汉语水平已经小有提高。“It’s Nice!我很喜欢绍兴,喜欢绍兴人,可惜就是听不懂绍兴话。”福德用中文一字一句说道。

During the rock climbing portion of the trip, Fuad could be seen, safety rope in tow, deftly darting about to the left and right of fulcrums throughout the rock wall at every angle, constantly pulling himself upward toward the top - a feat made exponentially harder the closer one gets to the peak, as the difficulty increases. Underneath, the crowd cheered him on, bursting into shouts of congratulations as he reached the top, successfully conquering his first rock climbing experience. “Actually, it wasn’t that hard. It’s quite simple, really. That was fun, I really enjoyed it. It makes me want to climb all the mountains around here,” he told reporters, slyly smirking as he pointed in the direction of “Yangshan Stone City” nearby.


Understanding Keqiao. Integrating into Keqiao. Introducing Keqiao to the world. Since its launch in 2021, the “IN KEQIAO” series has created a strong “Keqiao voice” with the purpose of “service+publicity,” building a bridge of international communication between the people of Keqiao and friends from all four corners of the world. Last month, the “IN KEQIAO International Communication Project” was rated as a “Top Ten Innovative Project” in the 2022 Municipal Propaganda, Ideological, and Cultural index. “We will continue to grasp the opportunity of the Asian Games, local customs, and traditional festivals, to craft unique activities and distinctive cultural “brand” events, inviting foreign friends living and working in Keqiao to participate and share in the experience. From their unique perspective, we will all see the one-of-a-kind beauty of Keqiao in new lights, while our new friends pass on their newfound love and positive energy to their home countries, and throughout the world,” said the relevant person in charge.

了解柯桥,融入柯桥,从而唱响柯桥.据悉,“IN KEQIAO”栏目自2021年上线后,一直以“服务+宣传”为宗旨发出强有力的柯桥声音,成为了国际传播桥梁纽带。一个月前,“IN KEQIAO国际传播项目”还获评2022年全市宣传思想文化系统 “十佳创新项目”。“我们将持续以亚运盛事、风土人情、传统节日、特色活动为契机,打造富有特色的文化品牌活动,并邀请在柯桥生活工作的外籍友人亲身参与、深度打卡,以他们的独特视角发现柯桥的独特美好,传递柯桥的正能量好声音,向世界宣传、推介柯桥。”“IN KEQIAO”栏目相关负责人说。



